Image for Bloom case of ITP


BLOOM is a cloud-based human resource management system. Its goal is to automate regular personnel assessment. This solution is most suitable for companies with more than 1000 staff members.

BLOOM automatically sends questionnaires to the employees and the HR managers to save time on face-to-face meetings. It generates regular reports, visualizes professional growth of teams and individual staff members and offers personalized advancement paths.

The contractor behind BLOOM is Data Wizards, a data science company based in the Netherlands.


Examined the existing code. Fixed the backend issues, optimized the database structure. Deeply refactored UI/UX, rewrote the frontend in Angular. Covered the technical debt and assisted in launching BLOOM into production
2 months
Developed the administrator interface allowing flexible system setup and key figures monitoring
2 months
Enhanced the performance, added new features. Refactored the code and controlled the performance indicators
18 months
Heights that helped to conquer in case Bloom

Impact on the customer’s performance

  • Stable version in 2 months We have rapidly progressed from a substantial technical debt and a non-functioning data structure to the stable product version. Backend issues have been resolved, UX/UI reworked, database optimized. the product has entered the exploitation stage on time
  • Twice more active users In comparison with the previous launch attempt BLOOM has gained 50% active users during the test period
  • 30% faster staff assessment Major companies that started to use BLOOM have reported: centralized and automated assessment takes a third less time than manual and in-person
  • Increased worker loyalty A company which uses BLOOM has noticed that the system provides more independent and unbiased staff assessment results, which increases trust towards the employer
  • International market and no more language barrier Initially BLOOM was available only in Dutch, which narrowed the potential customer base. MAS IT has developed and released an English version. Currently BLOOM is successfully conquering the international market and recently a major worldwide corporation has become its registered user


  • The previous version of the system was not documented. Our team had to explore the database architecture on the go and integrate existing concepts into the new data structure
  • The initial brief and technical requirements that we received from the client did not cover the full functionality of the product. We had to plan the development process flexibly, regularly collaborating with the client to prioritize and schedule the tasks
  • Some critical issues raised during deployment. the client hosted and ran the application on his own server, and transferring it to a dedicated Ubuntu machine resulted in severe errors, which were considered the fault of our developers
  • After we received access to the dev-machine it became clear that the issues were caused by the legacy backend code and architecture. We fixed them and proved the importance of refactoring to the client
  • There was no project manager from the client’s side, therefore the workflow didn’t run smoothly. We helped to set up effective task management in Jira and it solved the issue
  • The legacy version of BLOOM was available only in Dutch, so MAS IT team had to learn the basics of the language to understand how the system functioned
Turbulence zones that have passed in case Bloom
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